
Missing My Motivation

Missing My Motivation

There’s nothing worse on a Friday afternoon than no motivation and half the day to go.  You’re sitting at work (or at home) and you know you have a ton of stuff to do, but you just can’t seem to find the motivation to get up and actually DO anything.  If you’re lucky, you’re stuck in a cubicle somewhere and you don’t have to get up.  You can just sit there and do your best to avoid people.  But how do you manage when you are forced to “people”? First of all, take yourself back to kindergarten and remind yourself that hitting is wrong.  So is throwing a tantrum. 

Change Your Perspective

What you want to do and what is actually best for you are probably not the same things right now.  So you need to change your perspective.  Instead of sulking at what you have to do, see it as an opportunity to make the time go faster.  Do you still have 3 hours before you can clock out and go home?  I promise it will go a lot slower if you just sit and stare at the clock.  Keeping yourself busy will help pass the time.

Step Outside the Box

And by that I mean your office.  Take a 10 minute break and go outside for a walk.  It doesn’t matter what the weather is doing…go out and experience it!  Getting some fresh air in your lungs and getting your blood pumping will give you a boost of energy to get you through the rest of the day.  Not to mention the change of scenery wakes your brain up!  It is happy to see something different for a change and will be more alert.

Have a Snack

No, not some sugary treat.  Instead reach for something fresh like a piece of fruit, veggies and hummus, or a fruit smoothie.  Eating something sweet might give you a quick boost of energy, but you will crash soon after and be even more tired.  Make sure to stay hydrated too.  When we don’t drink enough water, our bodies start to droop.  After all, we are made up of 75% water!  Not drinking enough makes you sluggish.  The quality of your water matters, too.  Reverse osmosis filtered water is by far the cleanest.  If you don’t have access to that, buying a high quality bottled water like Essentia or Fiji is the best way to go.  Avoid refilling plastic bottles, especially with tap water.

Yuck It Up!

Have a laugh with someone or by yourself.  Laughing releases endorphins, also referred to as the happy hormones, in your brain.  Not only that but it also gives your immune system a boost, reduces your cortisol levels (which causes belly weight gain), and can even reduce pain.  I love having a good laugh with a friend, whether I’m working or playing. It is, by far, my favorite kind of medicine.

The Friday afternoon blues don’t have to keep you down.  Making a few simple, positive choices can turn your day from murky and gray to happy and productive!  Everything in your life is about the choices you make, especially your own happiness.  How your life turns out is completely up to you!  Choose joy, happiness, and love over all else.  Happy Friday, loves!!

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