
sacred roots holistic

Energy 101: What You Need to Know about Energy and How it Affects Your Life

Your vibe attracts your tribe.  We've all heard that, right?  What exactly does it mean?  It could mean that how you outwardly present yourself makes others take notice and potentially approach you.  Like the time I was wearing my baby in a ring sling and another mom struck up a conversation about attachment parenting because I was "wearing the uniform",...

Managing Chronic Pain

Do you remember when you could pop right out of bed and feel great without any pain?  Neither do I.  As I get older, I find that I have to work hard at managing my pain.  I hear "it's just part of getting older" from a lot of people, especially from people older than I am....people from my parent's generation. ...

Quiet Time: A Luxury or a Necessity?

We all get caught up in the chaos of everyday life.  We rush around trying to juggle work, school, sports, shopping, cleaning, cooking, and everything else that life throws at us. We run ourselves into the ground trying to be everything for everyone else and trying to accomplish as much as we can today so we can try to take a...

Earth Day 2019: Reducing Your Food Waste

In the spirit of Earth Day 2019, I want to talk to you about how much we waste, especially when it comes to food. Unfortunately, sometimes we all waste food.  We have good intentions when we buy fresh produce, but we don't always eat it before it goes bad.  Maybe you were inspired to have salads every day this week...

Sugar: The Silent Villain

For me, sugar is the #1 thing that causes the most health problems.  I can attribute so many physical and mental ailments to excess sugar consumption in my own life.  Sure, I can avoid sugar by laying off baked goods and soda.  That's pretty simple.  But do you know where sugar hides in your food?  Even if you read your...